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Calling all Rendezvous-ers!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020 9:24 PM | Anonymous

TSRA has decided to postpone Rendezvous this year, originally scheduled for April 1-5. Yep, you read that right: postpone. We’re hoping not to cancel the event completely but delay it until the fall. We have no details to share with you just yet, but we are researching possible dates, locations (possibly in the Ocoee/Hiwassee area) and plans for a fall Rendezvous. So hang onto your river booty for a later silent auction.

We’ve been in touch with our amazing hosts at Camp Nakanawa, and they agree this is the right decision. We hope to descend upon them next spring at Rendezvous 2021.

So what to do with all those days off you requested April 1-5? Let’s paddle anyway. If you’re not already on TSRA Paddler Chat on Facebook, now is the time to join. There will very likely be some informal (not officially organized by TSRA, so the risk is your own) trips you can join. Plan to do shuttle from the back of a pickup truck, though, in the spirit of social distancing.

Now a word about refunds: If you’re already registered, we will offer you a 100% refund. However, because Rendezvous is TSRA’s biggest fundraiser and this delay will significantly zap our operating budget, we are throwing out a few other options, should you feel inclined to support TSRA anyway. Click here to see those options and let us know.

Tennessee Scenic Rivers Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, #58-1746179.

P.O. Box 159041 Nashville, Tennessee 37215-9041

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