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Intro to Sailing

  • Wednesday, May 07, 2025
  • 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Vivrett Creek Public Use Area - J. Percy Priest Lake
  • 3



Looking for some NEW adventure? Maybe on the water? A nice windy day? You are in luck as TSRA is offering a beginner's sailing class the afternoon of May 7th, from 3-6 pm at the Vivrett Creek Public Use Area  on Percy Priest Lake. The Class will be taught by John McFadden and will cover the basics of sailing, including, boat nomenclature, points of sail, righting a capsized boat and more. You will need your own PFD and water shoes (closed toed if you have them) as we will all be in waist deep water for the first part of the class. If it is cool, bring your foul weather paddling gear. YOU WILL GET WET!

We will be using three small boats, a vintage Laser racing class and a Sunfish recreational boat. Each participant will have the opportunity to sail each boat with a partner.   If you are interested in Volunteering, we will need help shuttling boats before class. Email John for more info.  

PFDs are REQUIRED to be worn, no exceptions! Bring water and snacks and/or if you desire. By the end of the class you'll be sailing and I'll call you skipper!

Questions? email John at: PACKCANOE@GMAIL.COM.

Tennessee Scenic Rivers Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, #58-1746179.

P.O. Box 159041 Nashville, Tennessee 37215-9041

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