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TSRA supports Tennessee CLEAN

Sunday, July 31, 2022 6:22 PM | Sally Barr
The Conservation Committee attended an enlightening presentation on Tennessee CLEAN, a statewide anti-litter initiative created by Tennessee Wildlife Federation—an independent wildlife nonprofit. Lindsay Gardner and Aubrey Thompson, presenters, stated that Tennessee is the 1st state in the country to undergo such a huge initiative and the country is watching what they do. There has been concern that this is a Bottle Bill in disguise, but it is definitely not! 

Find out what this is all about through the following links:

Here is the link to sign the petition.

Bill Number: Tennessee CLEAN Act SB2693/HB2759

Here is the link to the general campaign website.

Here is the link to join the coalition.

Facebook: Tennessee Clean Act -

Instagram: @tenncleanact -

Tennessee Scenic Rivers Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, #58-1746179.

P.O. Box 159041 Nashville, Tennessee 37215-9041

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